
Figuring out the correct field type from an untagged dump is a matter of guesswork and can be error-prone. A more explicit approach like https://github.com/Bachmann1234/marshmallow-polyfield/ is better. This project remains here to avoid breaking existing software.

marshmallow_union package

Module contents

Union fields for marshmallow.

exception marshmallow_union.ExceptionGroup(msg, errors)[source]

Bases: marshmallow_union.MarshmallowUnionException

Collection of possibly multiple exceptions.

exception marshmallow_union.MarshmallowUnionException[source]

Bases: Exception

Base exception for marshmallow_union.

class marshmallow_union.Union(fields, reverse_serialize_candidates=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: marshmallow.fields.Field

Field that accepts any one of multiple fields.

Each argument will be tried until one succeeds.

  • fields (List[Field]) – The list of candidate fields to try.
  • reverse_serialize_candidates (bool) – Whether to try the candidates in reverse order when serializing.